WPS Siding systems complete selection of exterior products are tailor-made to take creative advantage of the exciting mix-and-match approach to exterior wall design – by combining various products, styles, and colors to create truly unique exterior designs with looks of solid color, metallic, and wood grain finishes. Using various combinations of horizontal and vertical flush siding as well as horizontal lap siding can make a bold statement. Making installation easier, our clips create a 1 inch air gap for ventilation so no furring is required. WPS Siding offers panels in 4″-24″ H, 8′-12′ W, and 5/16″, 3/8″, or 1/2″ thickness. The durability exceeds industry standards in all water, wind, and impact criteria. Panel finishes along with UV protection provide long-lasting hues and protection against surface scratches which deliver strong, solid panels that stand the test of time.